If your Telegram isn't working, whether it's not connecting, not sending messages, or not being able to log in, here are 10 common ways to fix Telegram errors.
Is your iPhone freezing during the iOS 18 update process? Don't worry. Here are 6 ways to resolve the freezing iPhone issue and complete the update smoothly.
Don't panic if your iPhone is not showing up in iTunes when updating, transferring or restoring. Here are 10 ways to make computer recognize your iPhone again.
Is your iPhone volume button not working? Can't turn the volume up and down? Here will tell you all you need to know about fixing the iPhone volume button.
When you accidentally activate the Zoom Accessibility function, there will be a blue sqaure box on iPhone screen. You can turn off the Zoom function to fix it.
Firmware file corrupt iPhone issue often happens because the computer isn't able to find or recognize the right firmware files for your iPhone. Here can fix it.
If your iPhone cellular data keeps turning off then there are different methods you can use to fix it. This article outlines the causes and solutions to this.
If the top of your iPhone screen not working then you should try the methods detailed in this article to restore your touchscreen.
If you ever come across a notification saying, “iPhone could not be restored. An unknown error occurred,” try the following tried and tested methods.
Are iPhone apps not downloading on your device? Here are some reasons and possible solutions to fix this issue and get everything back to normal.